Publication Time-Frame
The information published on ShareData Online is updated on a continual daily basis.
Financial data received from listed companies is available immediately via SENS notices. The ShareData SENS feed is live, not delayed. Summarised and comparative data is usually available within the database within an hour of publication on SENS. Some areas of the site (such as the analysis data page and forecast data pages) are updated overnight or on a weekly basis .
The company news items produced by the ProfileData Research Department provide summarised versions of SENS notices and précis of other news commentary. While easier to read, the company news is not available as timeously as the raw SENS feed.
Intra-day market data for shares and indices is supplied by the JSE Limited and is delayed by at least 15 minutes – please check the date and time stamps to determine the time of the last update. Dates and times on intra-day data are actual market times, not update times.
Please note that EYs (Earnings Yields), P/Es (Price:Earnings ratios) and DYs (Dividend Yields) on this site are calculated by ProfileData and may differ from those calculated by the JSE.
Sources of Information
ProfileData, which incorporates the research division of the Profile Group, is a primary data source, and most of our information is researched independently and drawn directly from each company’s own reports and accounts. SENS notices, published financials and other announcements are processed on a real-time basis.
Our research team has close working relationships with most listed companies, and all companies receive regular proofs from our database. Changes or omissions brought to our attention by listed companies are corrected immediately. We would like to thank listed companies for their ongoing co-operation, and for checking and returning proofs.