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As a free registered user, how many securities and portfolios can I capture?
For registered users, the ShareData Online portfolio manager allows up to five portfolios with up to 25 securities per portfolio. There is no limit on the number of portfolios or holdings for premium subscribers.
How do I enter cash transactions in my portfolios?
The ShareData Online portfolio manager is designed to track portfolio holdings – it is not a fully-fledged transactional system. Accordingly it does not offer a facility for capturing transactions like cash deposits and cash dividends. We do offer a fully transactional system in our ShareMagic product. Please click here for more information.
Can the portfolio manager handle multiple tranches of the same share?
Yes, the ShareData Online portfolio manager allows you to buy several tranches of one security. A tranche is defined as the transaction on one broker's note. Typically , different tranches occur on different dates at different prices. The portfolio manager will sum and average the details of the various tranches in a summary line. A line item with a + plus sign in the leftmost column has underlying tranches – click on the + sign to see the tranches. To capture a second tranche of a security, simply enter the code in the top-right field and click on Add Holding – if the security is already in your portfolio, the system will automatically create a second tranche.
How do I close part of a holding or tranche?
In order to close part of a holding or tranche you need to split the opening transaction. For example, if you hold 1000 AGL shares and you sell 500, before doing the sale you must edit the holding of 1000 and split this into two tranches of 500 each. You can then close one of the tranches so that the completed transaction appears in the list of Closed Positions.
Can I do short-selling with the portfolio manager?
Yes, the ShareData Online portfolio manager allows short sales. Enter the code of a security not already long in the portfolio and click on Add Holding. In the Add Portfolio Holding dialogue the drop-down to the left of Quantity defaults to BUY – click on this and select SHORT. The holding will reflect as a negative quantity with a positive cashflow but you will only make a profit on the trade if the price of the share goes down.
Can I change the name of a portfolio?
Yes, in order to change the name of a portfolio simply click on the edit icon to the right of the portfolio selector drop-down.
Can I trade forex or index futures with the portfolio manager?
No, the ShareData Online portfolio manager does not accommodate forex or derivatives. You can buy and short listed securities including ordinary shares, ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) and ETNs (Exchange Traded Notes). If you'd like to experiment with commodities and forex, there are Exchange Traded Notes (under the ETFs and ETNs tab) which track things like oil, platinum, wheat, the euro, etc. Derivatives trading usually involves gearing, but you can replicate this simply by trading with ten times the amount you would use in real life.
If you have a question which is not answered here, please email, or phone +27-11-728-5510. Please help us to improve the site by reporting any errors to
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* Price data source: JSE Ltd. All other statistics calculated by ProfileData.
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